"Earth laughs in flowers." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
How about a little history lesson? Recently my wife started reading a book on herbs that was originally printed around 1933. In it there is a list of the crops that were grown one particular year by Charlemagne (Charles the Great), King of the Franks and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. I bring this up because it lead to an interesting conversation. We live in a world of constantly changing technology. On some level I am sure every generation has felt like they are moving further and further away from so called primitive lifestyles. But underneath all the window dressing of technology we are still very dependent on some very consistent and basic ideas and practices. One of which is the food that we grow and eat. Though you can buy all sorts of artificially flavored foods in your grocery store some of the cornerstones of our diets are rooted in the fabric of human existence and if we are lucky will continue to be a part of lives long after the current fads pass.
Eventually the Spanish brought seeds to Europe after encountering the vast fields the Inca's grew. From there they made their way all over the continent. One of the oldest existing varieties is the Russian Giant which has also been called Russian Greystripe or Mammoth.
Tobias Whitaker blogs
for Mother Earth News and Grit Magazine. Click on the Mother Earth News logo at
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at Seed To Harvest: Bossy Hen Homestead
which is a central location for his homesteading blogs and his homeschooling
blog, A Mile In Her Shoes: Tales Of A Stay-At Home Dad found here
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