Lemon Drop Tomato
"It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.” Lewis Grizzard
To tell you the truth tomatoes usually rank pretty low on my chart of must grow garden veggies. For one reason or another certain people are drawn to growing certain items due to their ease or difficulty, their appearance, their demand and so on. I enjoy eating tomatoes but up until recently did not realize how much I had been missing out on.
The Seed Savers Exchange, whom I love, offered a 6 pack of random starter plants for both peppers and tomatoes so I decided to order the tomatoes. One of the six that came in the mail was a variety called Lemon Drops. This is the write up for the tomato in the Seed Savers 2011 catalog; "Winner of SSE's 2010 Tomato Tasting. Seed originally from Florida SSE member J.T. Sessions, who found this sport growing with his Snow White Cherry plants. Heavy sets of 1/2-3/4" translucent yellow-green cherry tomatoes. Refreshing tart-sweet flavor. Continues producing even in cold wet growing conditions."
If you are looking for a new tomato to grow try the Lemon Drop. It will become a corner stone of your garden plans. Now I know what the big deal is! Now I know what I have been missing out on!
Tobias Whitaker blogs
for Mother Earth News and Grit Magazine. Click on the Mother Earth News logo at
the bottom of the page for all of his post. You can also find him on Facebook
at Seed To Harvest: Bossy Hen Homestead https://www.facebook.com/seedtoharvestbossyhenhomestead/
which is a central location for his homesteading blogs and his homeschooling
blog, A Mile In Her Shoes: Tales Of A Stay-At Home Dad found here https://amileinhershoestalesofastayathomedad.wordpress.com/
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