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All Must End

Our new home After nearly 13 years the  Bossy Hen Homestead is officially closing down. June 1st we sold our home in Sidney N.Y. and relocated to the small town of Caroline which is only minutes from Ithaca N.Y. located in the Finger Lakes region. I have known for some time that this blog post would eventually be written. As I'm sure you can imagine I have rolled it over in my mind many times trying to find the right words for something that has been so important to my physical, spiritual and mental health for well over a decade. I was able to pursue a number of interest with the full support of my wife on our small property on Orchard St. I raised backyard chickens, quail and rabbits. I was fortunate enough to explore beekeeping at the Muddy River Farm Brewery. As my confidence grew along with my gardens I was able to reach a personal goal and blog for the well known Mother Earth News Magazine and the long running GRIT Magazine. Bossy Hen provided a sanctuary for me when I batt

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