Changing Season

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. ~Stanley Horowitz

As I look out the window I am quickly reminded of the changing season. The foliage on the maple tree is beginning its transformation to blazing red and assorted soft tones of gold. My focus begins to change and I start prepping the garden area no longer in use for our next growing season. I have a raised bed I built with my daughter that I am filling with new soil here and there when time allows. Soon it will be time to protect the fruit trees and bushes during the winter months from the hungry rabbits that are no longer scared off by the baying of our hounds.

Each season holds it own distinctive triumph but I really enjoy fall. I love walking the dogs in the crisp, cool morning air and the distinctive smell that drifts upon the wind. The sight and sound of migrating birds forewarn of winters impending arrival. So many little things come to mind, being able to wear old sweaters and knit hats, the aroma of stew cooking in the Crockpot for hours. One cannot forget the magnificent sight of the rolling hills in our little corner of the Catskills.


  1. I like thinking on Sidney as your little notch in the Catskills...


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