Book Review (The Year of the Goat:40,000 Miles and the Quest for the Perfect Cheese by Margaret Hathaway)

Over dinner with friends last month it came up in conversation that I have been considering dwarf goats for our urban homestead. The next day my friend Loretta dropped off the book The Year of the Goat: 40,000 Miles and the Quest for the Perfect Cheese by Margaret Hathaway/Karl Schatz for me to read.

This 204 page book by Lyons Press seemed to gain momentum as I read it. It was difficult not to applaud Hathaway and her eventual husband/photographer Karl Schatz for their life altering dedication to researching goat farming across the continental U.S.. As someone who honestly knows very little about goats I learned a lot. Though it is difficult after reading this book to imagine goats in my immediate future I would like to eventually get to the point where I have enough property to add them to my homestead. It made me hesitant but it did little to scare me away.

In regards to the book the aspect that I found most fascinating was the authors willingness to expose and share her own weaknesses. I was impressed by her desire to question her own values and preconceived notions as she made her way through rural America. It was very interesting to see Hathaway and Schatz grow as people and as a couple. As someone who has traveled across the U.S. a number of times I felt that I was right along side her for the ride as she made her way through both uncomfortable situations and unexpected moments of tranquility.

If you enjoy  Slow Food you will enjoy this book. If you like agricultural and all things farming you will certainly be entertained. If you are a fan of travel literature this book will fill that niche as well. It reads like a journal, swift and honest. The Year of the Goat is a book well worth reading.  

Tobias Whitaker blogs for Mother Earth News and Grit Magazine. Click on the Mother Earth News logo at the bottom of the page for all of his post. You can also find him on Facebook at Seed To Harvest: Bossy Hen Homestead which is a central location for his homesteading blogs and his homeschooling blog, A Mile In Her Shoes: Tales Of A Stay-At Home Dad found here


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