Every spring the Easter Rabbit is kind enough to leave zinnia seeds for the kids in their baskets. In turn, these hardy and vocal flowers are among the first seeds to be placed in the ground each season.
garden. First of all, bees are wild about them and in truth that right there is enough of an argument for their spot in the rotation. There are also a number of species, nearly ten in all, so it is easy to find one that strikes your fancy. They happen to make great cut flowers because they can handle living in a vase for some time before they begin to show any ill effects making them a great choice for the novice gardener.
What I enjoy most is that they still put on a show long after most flowers in the garden have gone dormant. Here we are in September and though the sunflowers are bowing their plump heads full of seed the zinnia are still pronounced and vibrant. In my mind they even look fantastic a little beaten by the elements, pest and time.
Tobias Whitaker blogs
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